Billy from USA in her tour to India. Wanted Archana to do a colorful tattoo on her. A big dandelion is drawn accompanied by small seeds flying out of it. The circular shape of the flower with the long stem makes it a bold design for a tattoo. Dandelion are the best color tattoos are quite popular among women, with creative and out-of-the-box designs and colors to choose from. She also has a quote written along with flower. Although being a bit of sensitive area for the tattoo, BILLY sat like a Rock for almost 12hrs for the tattoo. Share if you guys like it. Artist: Archana Nakhua Bhanushali

Realistic Flower tattoo. When you have some beautiful flowers in our garden & you can’t take your eye off it..what do you do? You get the best color tattoos for it, of course, that’s exactly what she did for her tattoo. Representing Life itself & the beautiful colours life has to offer Done by Archana Nakhua Bhanushali at ACE Tattooz & Art Studio

Name with Flower tattoos are extremely mainstream in various types, sizes, and hues. They influence the tattoo to look more appealing and beautiful. On the off chance that your tattoos are too plain, you can include some wonderful flower to influence it to look greater. Flowers are a standout amongst the most lovely things the universe has made. It is satisfying to the eyes and its magnificence has been contrasted with a considerable measure of delights in this world. Maybe that is the motivation behind why men gave flower when seeking a lady, and at whatever point, somebody is debilitated to perk them up. The brilliant magnificence of the flowers improves us feel. It is likewise one of the mainstream images of womanliness. What’s more, in the event that you think blooms are just for ladies, you are incorrect. Other men also dig flower tattoos.

Our Client wanted a tattoo which can cover her sunburn marks so we did this tattoo for her.