As the saying goes – “A tattoo can last forever;” but a tattoo doesn’t always look good forever.
Having a tattoo is obviously something you’ve thought about for a long time and hard. It is a permanent mark and something you should be proud to have. The color should be vivid at first, than powerful. This will stay as good as new in a perfect world but tattoos can fade for several different reasons — some quicker than others.

Whether you’ve had your tattoo for a couple of years, you might have found it isn’t as fresh and exciting as it once was. This is because it most probably has faded. If your tattoo has faded and you want to know why, or if you’re just trying to prevent your tattoo first from fading, then read on to know how to keep your tattoos from fading away.

How To Keep Your Tattoos From Fading Away


Let us first understand the difference between Black Vs. Color Tattoo

Tattoos and their longevity differ depending partly on whether the tattoo is black or red. It might not be considered when deciding on design but it may clarify why your tattoo has faded.

Black tattoos tend to contrast more heavily with the skin, and therefore often have more definition. Color tattoos are fantastic to blend different shades and create some effects or impact but they also cost more and tend to lose their vibration faster than black tattoos.

Here are some tips on how to keep the tattoos from fading away.


  1. Follow the Tattoo artist’s aftercare instructions
    One of the best ways to keep your tattoos from fading away is to ensure that you carefully follow the instructions on tattoo aftercare provided by your tattoo artist.
  2. Do not itch!
    Scratching the scabs on the tattoo will help the tattoo disappear quicker during the healing process. Do not take off any scabs, it doesn’t matter whether it’s large or small or how enticing it may be. When your tattoo is healing, allow the scabs to fall off without interruption. Some tattoos will scab a great deal but others will not. When you’re taking good care of your tattoo, you’ll definitely experience less scabbing.
  3. Avoid tight clothes
    Wear loose clothes particularly when the tattoo heals, to keep your tattoo from fading away. It can rub tight clothing on a fresh tattoo which can be really distracting. Often, tight clothes scratch the tattoo causing the scabs to pull free.
  4. Avoid contact with direct sunlight
    Sun rays can damage your tattoos too, whether old or new. If you want long to keep your tattoos vibrant and to keep the tattoos from fading away –  avoid direct sunlight, particularly during the healing stage. Tanning beds can damage your tattoos a lot too. When you want to sunbathe, make sure you do it at least 2 weeks later and use a really strong sunscreen. 
  5. Take good care of your skin
    The only way to keep your tattoo from fading away is to take care of your face. If the tattoo is fresh or old, the better you handle your skin, the longer the tattoo stays brighter. Taking care of your skin means keeping your skin moist and clean, and washing off any harsh skin chemicals. Keep in mind that the longer the harsh chemicals remain on your skin, the greater the damage it will cause.
  6. Tattoo Touch-ups
    Everyone heals at different speeds and the recovery process of our skins can sometimes produce results that are less than desirable-sometimes due to the application technique, sometimes due to the skin’s natural conditions. You may be fully healed and find the colors may not be fully even throughout; rubbing the scab off unintentionally will also cause patches until the skin recovers. It is where a touch up (a newly healed tattoo within six months to a year) comes in. Touch-ups are a great way to keep your tattoos from fading away and to maintain those vibrant fresh colors on your skin.


Bottom Line

Your tattoo will look good in the years after you get it, but after some time it will start to fade. Therefore it is very important to obey the guidelines listed above to keep the tattoos from fading away.

Archana Nakhua Bhanushali – The Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai India is a very well-known name in the tattoo industry, and has a Diploma in Commercial Arts. She started tattooing as a hobby and gradually took it up as a profession. She has bagged many awards nationally and internationally. She is best known for customizing designs and inking realistic, portrait tattoos. She believes every tattoo has a story to tell and she loves to narrate that story through inking those tattoos. She is one of the Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai, India.