Pinkvilla - Ace Tattooz


Archana BhanushaliArchana Nakhua Bhanushali – The Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai India is a very well-known name in the tattoo industry, and has a Diploma in Commercial Arts. She started tattooing as a hobby and gradually took it up as a profession. She has bagged many awards nationally and internationally. She is best known […]

Archana Nakhua Bhanushali – The Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai India is a very well-known name in the tattoo industry, and has a Diploma in Commercial Arts. She started tattooing as a hobby and gradually took it up as a profession. She has bagged many awards nationally and internationally. She is best known for customizing designs and inking realistic, portrait tattoos. She believes every tattoo has a story to tell and she loves to narrate that story through inking those tattoos. She is one of the Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai, India.

Can You Donate Blood If You Have a Tattoo?

People who want to donate — and potentially become frequent donors — need to be aware of the eligibility criteria. One common question prospective donors may have is if you have a tattoo, can you donate blood if you have a tattoo? 

A big Yes! When you have a tattoo implanted on your skin you can donate the blood. There was at one time a greater limitation in the blood industry about it. We’ve also seen the horror stories of people having tattoos or piercing hepatitis. With strengthened tattoo industry laws, there are more ways to give blood after you get one. You will then be part of the noble cause and save millions of lives around you. But there are also specific criteria that you must fulfill to know that can you donate blood if you have a tattoo. Let’s find them out.

Can a Tattoo Person Donate Blood


1. How long does a person have to wait to donate blood after getting a tattoo?

It is the second question that comes up in the mind of someone who has a tattoo after eligibility – ‘ can a tattoo person donate blood?’. The time to become a healthy donor after having ink is called the duration of Deferral. And if you’ve had a tattoo that means you’re overdue. Don’t worry; this is myth again. Blood donation is permissible at the earliest after getting inked if a state-regulated agency applied the tattoo using a sterile procedure, according to the Red Cross. Currently, only a few states control tattoo facilities, so most tattooed donors must wait twelve months after tattooing before donating blood. And, basically, you’ll have to wait 4 months to 12 months after having a blood donation tattoo.

2. How do you verify whether you are an eligible donor/ can tattoo person donate blood?

In India, the Health Department is responsible for operating and registering tattoo parlors. They are licensed in compliance with section 23-1-39 of the Rhode Island General Laws as amended, and the rules and regulations herein, as they relate to the registration of tattoo parlors/shops. To avoid contaminating the blood with blood-borne infections, licensed tattoo shops are expected to pass certain protection and health requirements. With unregulated tattoo shops, such requirements can not be assured. In India, regulated tattoo shops make us eligible for blood donation after six months.

3. What steps do you need to take before a person can donate blood?

When you go to the blood bank to donate blood, the blood bank staff will do the evaluation and take a short history of your safety from you. The evaluation includes: You will show the employees of blood banks the freshly got tattoo or some old tattoo. You have to provide the blood bank with full details that include; where did you get the tattoo from, when did you get the last tattoo, by whom, and how?
You must have evidence of the correct data that the tattoo was inked under the sterile condition, and the applied ink was fresh. You must also provide some history of blood-borne disease beforehand. This evaluation is intended to prevent the spread of hepatitis and to test the possibility of transmissible transfusion infection (TTI), including HIV AIDS, hepatitis B and C, and other diseases born in the blood.

4. Meet other basic requisites

Along with the tattoo ink calculation below are the minimum blood donation requirements:

  • Be 17 years of age minimum
  • Weigh 110 pounds or more (49.89 kg)
  • Not be anemic
  • Body temperature is not above 99.5 ° F (37.5 ° C)
  • Pregnant women prohibited
  • Does not have any medical conditions which disqualify
  • No tattoos, piercings, or acupuncture therapies have been obtained from unregulated facilities over the last year

5. Precautions to be taken

The one who gets tattooed himself must make sure that each time the artist uses fresh, safe, and sterile needles to prevent blood-borne illnesses. This is because 10-30 percent of cases of Hepatitis B virus transfusion in India is due to the use of contaminated needles each year.

So keep up the blessing act and keep saving lives. But make sure that you take a healthy diet, and between two donations there is a difference of at least 8 weeks (56 days).

Archana Nakhua Bhanushali – The Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai India is a very well-known name in the tattoo industry, and has a Diploma in Commercial Arts. She started tattooing as a hobby and gradually took it up as a profession. She has bagged many awards nationally and internationally. She is best known for customizing designs and inking realistic, portrait tattoos. She believes every tattoo has a story to tell and she loves to narrate that story through inking those tattoos. She is one of the Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai, India.

Tattoo Industry

The Perils of COVID-19 On The Tattoo Industry

In conversation with Ms. Archana Nakhua Bhanushali, Founder, Ace Tattooz & Art Studio, Mumbai who gives us an insider view on the effect the pandemic has had on the tattoo industry.

We are the industry where human interaction and touch is essential to keep our business going – the salon, spas and tattoo industry has been hugely impacted by the pandemic. As an industry we have to act responsibly to make no error that might cause a human life. Reviving consumer confidence is going to be a huge challenge for the industry.

Better safe than sorry
Being well prepared to avoid contamination and at the same time, the smooth running of business is of the priority of everyone. The measures that need to be taken by the industry are:

  • We will have to follow guidelines from the governing bodies.
  • We will have to ask screening questions, limiting the number of people instead of the shops, maintaining social distance, using face masks, gloves and disinfectants like sanitizers.
  • Strict waste management protocols have to be maintained.
  • Markings for people to maintain social distancing inside the studio will have to be made.
  • E- payments to be encouraged.
  • Self-declaration forms to be filled and those not complying with the rules shall not be allowed.
  • Have a different set of clothes for in-house and travel for the staff.

Importance of hygiene
In the tattoo and salon industry, we have to work in very close proximity to our clients because our work is to craft something on their skin. Now with COVID-19 we will have to increase diligence to maintain the highest standards of health and hygiene.It’s a new way of working which will take some time to get accustomed to, but the sooner we accept the sooner we can move forward.

Measures at the studio
Additional measures that the artists and studio will be required to comply with are disinfecting the studio premises two to three times daily, wearing a mask, hand gloves, full face shield mask, and using sanitising agents at all times. For clients, an online consultation will be done 3 days before the service. To make sure that their health is at par and to collect their travel history. So we could save time at the time of actual tattooing. Service will be provided through pre-bookings and appointment basis only. Clients will be asked to come alone for the service and in case of any special circumstances, one person can accompany them. This will be done to avoid unnecessary gathering of people at the studio.

Upon a client’s arrival, a no-contact thermometer will be used to check their temperature for precautionary measures.  Also, the client will be asked to wear a mask at all times during the service. As we move ahead we will surely find new ways and methods to deal with the situation more efficiently and cost-effectively.

Lastly, we all need to be open to change and follow the instructions released by our local government authorities. However we are hopeful that the shops will open soon and safety of ourselves and the clients will be our number one priority.

Archana Nakhua Bhanushali – The Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai India is a very well-known name in the tattoo industry, and has a Diploma in Commercial Arts. She started tattooing as a hobby and gradually took it up as a profession. She has bagged many awards nationally and internationally. She is best known for customizing designs and inking realistic, portrait tattoos. She believes every tattoo has a story to tell and she loves to narrate that story through inking those tattoos. She is one of the Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai, India.

Nikhil Bhanushali Interview1

Archana BhanushaliArchana Nakhua Bhanushali – The Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai India is a very well-known name in the tattoo industry, and has a Diploma in Commercial Arts. She started tattooing as a hobby and gradually took it up as a profession. She has bagged many awards nationally and internationally. She is best known […]

Archana Nakhua Bhanushali – The Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai India is a very well-known name in the tattoo industry, and has a Diploma in Commercial Arts. She started tattooing as a hobby and gradually took it up as a profession. She has bagged many awards nationally and internationally. She is best known for customizing designs and inking realistic, portrait tattoos. She believes every tattoo has a story to tell and she loves to narrate that story through inking those tattoos. She is one of the Best Female Tattoo Artist in Mumbai, India.