Raman Chohan, Master in Permanent Makeup from Canada, has entered India by launching Victress Beauty Academy in Mumbai. The academy has been launched in association with ‘Ace Tattooz’, a Mumbai based premier tattoo studio. It offers hands-on training, global techniques, and treatment in semi-permanent makeup applications. Some of the courses and services introduced at the new facility include microblading, combination brows, ombré powder brows, lip blush, lip correction, and lash extensions.
“We are extremely delighted to launch our first flagship academy in India at Mumbai. We believe the market in India holds a huge potential for semi-permanent makeup. While in many parts of the western world the segment has already witnessed rapid expansion, it is still in its nascent stage in India. It is an exciting time for us to be involved at the front lines of this growing industry” said Raman Chohan, Director, Victress Beauty Academy. “Most of my clientele in Canada are Indians so I had to do a lot of research and learning on my own as Indian skin and bone structure is one of the hardest to work with. I can proudly say that with my efforts, research and learning, I have been able to become an expert with Indian clientele. The brows frame the whole face, it brightens it. A good brow can make a face more elegant. It’s creating art,” added Raman Chohan.
The Academy has bought the latest technological innovation for customers looking for long term makeup solutions. It offers state-of-the-art semi-permanent training services that are safe and adhere to the highest standards of hygiene. The training is split between theory & fundamentals, hands-on experience, live demo and completed with working on live models.